Is It possible to increase height after 20 age?

 Absolutely yes!!!

Here are some food that will help you to increase your height. Height depends on 3 topics, hormonal regulation, health bones and good food. In everyday before one hour of sleep human HGH or growth hormones releases a lot. So that everyone should maintain discipline to their life what you do or eat.

You have to maintain a regular routine and balance diet and some exercise. First of all which food should you take and why?

  1. Eggs: Chicken Eggs or any eggs help you maintain a level of energy.Thry are rich in Vitamin B that affects the production of energy in the cells in your body and also it is the source of high protein which grows the muscle . Eggs:
  2. Walnuts: Researchers found that walnuts can strengthen bone tissue.Also Vitamin E,Calciam,phosphorus which affect your growth.


3. Sea Food: Sea food has minerals, vitamin B12 specially shellfish and a lots of helpful resources that can help you to increase your growth.

4.Honey: The type of sugar in honey body can absorb so quickly which gives you a lot of energy. Honey:

5.Oats: This is the best meal to increase height because it contains all the main components that helps to increase growth. Oats:

6.Milk: As such, milk contains valuable nutrients that help support a growing body, including calcium and protein.

7.Banana: A medium-sized banana has about 105 calories. A single banana contains 75.5 IU of vitamin A, 10.3 milligrams of vitamin C,11.6 milligrams choline and trace amounts of vitamin E, vitamin K, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, pantothenic acid and betaine. Additionally, a medium-sized banana contains 5 milligrams of calcium, 31 milligrams of magnesium, 422 milligrams of potassium and trace amounts of sodium, zinc, iron, copper and selenium.

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