Best exercise for height increasing!!!

Yes it is possible to increase height.
here are some exercise that will help you to increase your height:

10 best exercise but if you have muscle pull problem be aware when you do this exercise or prepare your body for these exercise:

1. Pelvic Shift

It increases the curvature of the lower spine, and that of the upper back; boosts your height.

 Steps To Follow:

  • Lie on the mat with the shoulders flat on the floor.
  • Keep your arms stretched out on the sides with palms down.
  • Bend your knees and draw your feet close to the buttocks.
  • Arch your back so that the pelvis is lifted.
  • Tuck the buttocks and let the legs and shoulders support your weight.
  • Hold the position for at least 30 seconds and repeat.
2. Hanging

Hanging your body with the support of your hands does help you stretch out your muscles. Generally, people hang down a bar. To take this exercise to increase height an extra mile, do two or three pull-ups. Don't have a pull up bar? No problem pull up a tree branch. Make sure your support is sturdy and can take your whole body weight. After all, you don't want to falloff the support and break your bones.

 Steps To Follow:

  • Jump up and hang on to the bar.
  • Keep your arms and spine straight.
  • Remain in the position for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat the same at least three times daily.
  1. Single Leg Hopping

Hopping exercise to increase height is one of the best fun exercises. This exercise plays a huge role in strengthening your abdominal muscles and promises a thorough workout of your lower body.

 Steps To Follow:

  • Hop on your left leg ten times.
  • Position your hands straight up pointing towards the sky.
  • Hop on your right leg similarly.

4. Steps To Follow: Puppy Pose

  • Start with positioning your all fours - hands, and knees - on the mat.
  • Line up your knees with your hips and your hands with your shoulders.
  • Tangle your toes and walk your hands forward a few inches.
  • Stretch your hips backward halfway to your feet and feel a good stretch in the lower body.
  • Hold this position for 60 seconds and relax.
5. Side Stretch:

Side stretch will make the muscles grow and make them elongated as well. This exercise to increase height especially stretches and strengthens the intercostal muscles. While doing a side stretch, make sure you feel the muscles pull all along your side from your lower back and up to your shoulder to succeed in boosting height growth.

 Steps To Follow:

  • Stand straight with your feet together.
  • Clasp your hands together stretching over your head.
  • Bend your upper body to the right.
  • Hold the stretch for 20 seconds and get back to the starting position.
  • Repeat the stretch two times and switch sides to do the stretch in the opposite direction.
  1. Low Lunge Arch

Bowing the back and upper body will always result in increasing your height. The upper body is tough to develop,but with the low lunge arch you can strengthen and stretch out your back pretty well. This exercise also works for lengthening your legs, and shoulder bones.

 Steps To Follow:

  • Lock your two palms with your fingers and stretch your arms to the front of your right leg.
  • Bend your right leg and stretch out your left leg while you do the step 1.
  • Stretch as far as you can and stay in the pose for 30 seconds. Do the same on the other side
  1. Cobra Stretch

The cobra pose stretches muscles in the shoulders, chest, and abdominals while strengthening the spine.

 Steps To Follow:

  • Lie on the floor with your face down.
  • Place your palms on the floor under your shoulders.
  • Lift your chin while arching your spine to form an elevated angle.
  • Arch back as far as possible and stay in the position for at least 30 seconds.
  • Five reps should be good enough to start with the exercise initially.
  1. Jogging

Jogging is one exercise to increase height that you can’t miss out if you are desperate about making your legs longer. Jogging helps you to grow your leg bones naturally and makes them stronger. Jogging works like magic to increase your height, especially when practice it during or just after puberty.

  1. Jumping And Skipping

If exercising is a tough thing to do then go for something that helps you have some fun while achieving your fitness goals. Jumping is one such thing. The more the number of times you jump the more likely you will succeed in making your legs longer. Jumping can be done in several ways - trampoline jumping or skipping a rope. Both can help you reach your maximum height. 

 Steps To Follow:

  • While jumping, make sure your both legs leaves the surface at the same time, and land on the surface at the same time.
  1. Vertical Bends

 Vertical bends make the muscles of the calf area to expand in the vertical direction and thereby improves your height. 

 Steps To Follow:

  • Stand up and position your legs slightly apart.
  • Bend down and try to touch the floor without bending your knees.

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